black studies scholar
interdisciplinary writer
PhD candidate in the Modern Thought and Literature program at Stanford University
Academic specializations include Black Feminist Theories, the Black Radical Tradition, African Diaspora literatures, critical and speculative documentary methodologies and new materialisms
Recruiting Excellence Diversifying Academia Fellow
View recent publications across genres.

talks & symposia
& Symposia
Polydisciplinarity in Black Emergent Thought
Graduate Orientations to Black Studies by Black Studies Collective
Black Feminist Methods and the Combahee River Collective Statement
Salon curated by the Essayists Collective
“Dear Alice” a Black Girl in the Archive: the Speculative Interior World
Colloquium for UPENN’s McNeil Center for Early American Studies
Uteropolitics: Abortion Bans from American Slavery to ICE Detention
Anti-Racist + Anti-Fascist Pedagogies in the Age of Trump and Bolsonaro
American Studies Association Annual Conference, Honolulu HA
Sudan’s Torture Sites: A Ghost House Genealogy
Northern California Sudanese Association Conference, UC Berkeley
Infanticide and the Infant's Corpse: Enslaved Women’s Reproductive Lives”
UC Berkeley Annual St. Claire Drake Research Symposium
Arada’s Knotted Rope: A Spectroscopic Object Analysis of Materialized Maternity
Resonances (18th Century Saint Domingue and Contemporary Haiti)
Princeton Annual African and African American Studies Conference
“The task of the-first century
is the task […] of inventing a social order
based on reciprocal recognition
and the reciprocal conferring of human value.”
Sylvia Wynter
Black Metamorphosis

“I should constantly
remind myself that the real leap
consists in introducing invention
into existence.”
Franz Fanon
Black Skin. White Masks